Mitsubishi came to us with an idea for bringing a contractor-homeowner love story to the small screen.
A Brand Romance
<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Storytelling and filmmaking that turn up the heat on the usual customer-meets-company plot

The Ask
<span data-buffer="">Mitsubishi wanted to ease homeowner anxieties about finding the perfect HVAC contractor.<span data-metadata="">
Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC US (METUS) is a leader in ductless and VRF systems. Based in metro Atlanta, their products heat and cool homes and businesses throughout the United States and Latin America.
The Answer
<span data-buffer="">We produced a video series that social and streaming audiences fell in love with.<span data-metadata="">
- Campaign Concept & Development
- Content Planning & Production
- Integrated Marketing Strategy & Execution
- Video & Photography
<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">The day they met
METUS’s diamond-level contractors are elite, certified professionals who provide superior levels of HVAC service. As systems installers, they help shape how homeowners feel about the Mitsubishi brand. So when HVAC needs arise, METUS wants people to know that these experts are both easy to find and the ones they want to invite into their homes.
The METUS team asked for a social-media-friendly rom-com spoof. We delivered a three-part, short video series about a homeowner swiping right on the HVAC contractor of their dreams – just in time for Valentine’s Day.
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‘Find Your Perfect Match’ Episode 1 – The Day They Met: Meet Nikki. She’s looking for an HVAC contractor who won’t leave her cold.
Muse Creative Awards
Video for Consumer Product/Service
GOLD – 2021
Hermes Awards
Video | Video Series
GOLD – 2021
dotCOMM Award
Video Series
MarCom Award
YouTube Video
GOLD – 2021
MarCom Award
Video/Film | Marketing (Product or Service)
Viddy Award
Gold – Short Form Video Series < 3 minutes
GOLD – 2021
<span data-buffer="">Positive impressions<span data-metadata="">
Targeting a release in early 2021 – a time filled with pandemic concerns about interacting with strangers indoors – Mitsubishi needed to convey confident reassurance.
The online dating storyline effortlessly set a positive tone around what audiences should expect from Mitsubishi contractors: despite disappointing experiences with others in the past, when the homeowner went looking for the best of the best on, she easily found a METUS contractor who exceeded her exacting standards.
Equally important, by shining the spotlight on the contractor-hero in the story, we gave the METUS installer community a reason to help spread the love and share the videos in their own marketing.

<span data-buffer="">Don’t settle<span data-metadata="">
Thanks to well written scripts and top notch production value, the series was a social media hit.
Ecstatic over the rave reviews from Mitsubishi insiders and awards committees alike, the client decided to repurpose the 30-second spots. They rolled the videos into a national OTT campaign (shown on streaming TV services), getting them in front of an even wider audience.
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‘Find Your Perfect Match’ Episode 2 – Don’t Settle: As Clark completes the installation, things really start heating up.
Passion project
HVAC systems aren’t an everyday purchase, so creating a campaign with an extended shelf-life was critical.
We poured our hearts into our work. From concepting to scripting, storyboarding, and filming, we devoted ourselves to producing memorable content to keep the URL top of mind with homeowners long after the videos aired.

Happily ever after
Each video clearly emphasized the same, easy to grasp call to action: go to to learn more about METUS offerings, search for contractors in your area, and find your very own “perfect match.”
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‘‘Find Your Perfect Match’ Episode 3 – Happily Ever After: Clark rides off into the sunset as Nikki’s warm feelings continue to grow.